OIKKA Tournament Rules
1.1 – Uniform Requirements
1.2 – Safety Equipment & Protective Gear
1.2.1 Mandatory Sparring Equipment
1.2.2 Optional Equipment
1.2.3 Unauthorized Equipment
1.3 – Competition Area
2.1—General Information
2.2 – Upper Body Basics
2.3 – Lower Body Basics
3.1 –General Information
3.2- Kobudo Criteria for Decision
3.3 – Isshinryu Kobudo Kata
4.1 – Kata Criteria for Decision
4.2 – Kata Scoring
4.3 – Organization of Kata Competition
4.4 – Isshinryu Empty Hand Kata
5.1 – Duration of Sparring Match
5.2 – Scoring Points During Sparring Match
5.3 – Target Areas For Scoring Points
5.4 – No Score superiority
5.5 – Prohibited techniques and behaviors
5.6 – Penalties
Part 1.1 – Uniform Requirements:
– Competitors, Referees & Judges must wear the official uniform as defined in these rules.
– The official Isshinryu patch, Association patch and Dojo patch may be worn on the uniform,
and must be properly sewn on.
-No protective gear shall be worn during Kata or Kobudo competition.
– Glasses that are secured to the head are permitted in Kata and Kobudo competition.
– Jewelry, hats, caps, shall not be permitted.
– Finger and toenails shall be short and neatly trimmed.
– Competitors who present themselves incorrectly dressed will be given one minute in which to
remedy the situation.
– Any person who does not comply with this regulation may be disbarred.
Part 1.2 – Safety Equipment & Protective Gear
– Only Foam Gear approved by OIKKA shall be allowed.
– The use of bandages or braces because of injury must be approved by the Referees’, on the
advice of the official doctor. The referee in charge of a ring is responsible for inspecting all
safety equipment and ensuring that it is in compliance with requirements, posses no threat of
injury to either competitors, and offers no significant competitive advantage to the wearer.
Part 1.2.1 – Mandatory Sparring Equipment:
– Approved Foam Headgear (all ages/competitors)
-Approved Foam Hands
– Approved Foam Foot Gear
– Groin Cups worn under the Gi pants.
Part 1.2.2 – Optional Equipment
– Foam shin pads (for adults and youths)
-Women may wear breast protective equipment
-In regard to contact rules, protective equipment shall be considered an extension/part of
the body.
Part 1.2.3 – Unauthorized Equipment
– The wearing of unauthorized clothing or equipment is forbidden. Women may wear a plain undershirt or rash guard style shirt under their uniforms
– Standard glasses are prohibited in Sparring divisions.
However, plastic safety glasses manufactured specifically for sport use are allowed for all athletes.
-Competitors may also wear regular glasses, when a face shield that is attached to their headgear covers the glasses.
Part 1.3 – Competition Area
– The competition area must be flat and devoid of hazard.
– The competition area must be of a minimum size to permit the uninterrupted performance.
– Competition rings will be 20’ x 20’
– Referees will be stationed at each corner, with the Chief Referee stationed front/center for kata and kobudo.
– Referees will be stationed at each corner, with the Chief Referee moving freely throughout the ring during Kumite.
Part 2.1 General information
-In principle, basics shall be judged using the same criteria as Kata.
-Students can compete in Basics OR Kata (not both).
-This division is reserved for students 10th and 9th kyu, who have not learned a full kata and are between the ages of 4-12 years old.
-The competitor will perform all of the below listed basics on both the right and left sides of the body.
Part 2.2 – Upper Body Basics
Acceptable to do basics moving forward and/or backwards
Basic #1 – RFF R Punch
Basic #2 – RFF R Upper Cut
Basic # 5 – RFB Down Block & Punch
Basic #6 – RFB Side Block & Punch
Basic #7 – RFB Open Hand Block & Finger Thrust
Basic #8 – RFB Sweep Block & Uppercut
Part 2.3 – Lower Body Basics
Basic #4 – RFB Front Kick
Basic #5 – RFB 45-Degree Blade Kick
Basic #6 – RFB Cross Kick
Basic #7 – RFB Side Kick
Basic #8 – RFB Front Kick From Cat Stance
Part 3.1 General Information
– Individual Kobudo competitors shall compete in the age and skill divisions as prescribed.
– Only the following weapons will be allowed in OIKKA Kobudo competition: Bo, Sai and Tonfa.
-All weapons shall be examined by an official prior to competition to ensure that they are of
authentic design, construction and materials.
– Any weapon that, in the examiner’s opinion, gives an unfair advantage may not be used.
– All wood on weapons must be hardwood.
Part 3.2 – Kobudo Criteria for Decision
-In principle, Kobudo Kata shall be judged using the same criteria as Kata, with the additional
criteria that the Kobudo Kata demonstrate the individual and unique characteristics of the weapon being utilized.
-The loss of control of a weapon (dropping) in competition, in all black belt divisions, will be grounds for disqualification. The panel of judges will conclude that the athlete is disqualified and the referee will dismiss the competitor with no score given. (Recorders shall mark a zero for that competitor.)
– Any weapon or form used may not be such that it can endanger or damage any person or
property (i.e., denting or marring of floors, loose handles, etc.)
-Use of kicks and theatrical movements in principle is not permitted. Thus, a violation may result in a major point deduction.
– Any manipulation or handling of the weapon that may be construed as dangerous in regard to the safety of all concerned shall not be permitted.
-In principle, Kobudo Kata shall be scored using the same range and procedure as Kata with
the inclusion of the following:
– If the competitor momentarily loses a grip of the weapon, .1-.3 points should be deducted.
– If the weapon touches the floor at any time during the performance, .1 – .3 points should be
– If the competitor uses a dangerous technique that jeopardizes the safety of the judges or
other competitors, disqualification will result.
Part 3. 3 – Isshinryu Kobudo Kata
The competitors will be expected to perform only Isshinryu Kobudo Kata. Selections are made from the following katas:
Bo: Shishi no Kun, Urashi Bo and Tokumine no Kun
Sai: Chantanyara no Sai, Kusanku Sai and Kayan no Sai
Tuifa/Tonfa: Hamahiga no Tuifa
Part 4.1 – Kata Criteria for Decision
In assessing the performance of a competitor, the primary basis for the decision will be on
applicability of movement, effective technique and poise rather than gymnastic or theatrical features.
The following criteria must be considered:
-The Kata must be performed with competence and must demonstrate a clear understanding of
the principles it contains.
– Correct breathing, good demonstration of power, speed, timing, balance and Kime (focus).
-Consistency and correctness of stances.
– Correct weight distribution according to the Kihon (basic) being demonstrated.
– Smooth and even transition between stances.
– Correct tension in stances, feet edges firmly on floor.
– Accuracy.
– Show proper understanding of the Kata Bunkai (those techniques being demonstrated).
– Unwavering concentration.
– Contrast in tension, breathing, and movement.
– A realistic, rather than “theatrical” demonstration of Kata meaning.
– The performance should also be evaluated with a view to discerning other points such as
application of clearly defined offensive and defensive techniques.
– In Adult Black Belt divisions if the performance is brought to a halt, the competitor will be
disqualified. The panel of judges will conclude that the athlete is disqualified and the referee
will dismiss the competitor with no score given. (Recorders shall mark a zero for that
Part 4.2 – Kata Scoring
The judge’s scoring range shall be as follows:
– Advanced divisions – the range of scoring shall be from 7 to 9.
– Intermediate divisions – the range of scoring shall be from 6.0 to 8.0.
– Novice divisions – the range of scoring shall be from 5.5 to 7.5.
– Beginner divisions – the range of scoring shall be from 5.0 to 7.0.
Part 4.3 – Organization of Kata Competition
– Individual Kata Competitors shall compete in the same age and skill divisions that they would
for Kumite.
– The first three competitors shall complete their Kata before any individual score is rendered.
This is to determine if the judging panel, are compatible with each other.
– After the first three competitors are scored, individual scores shall be given immediately on
completion of the Kata.
– Upon the completion of a kata by an individual, the referee will call for a decision and blow a
sharp blast on the whistle. The Chief judge must ensure that all Judges are ready before he
calls for score to be displayed in unison.
– The caller/announcer will announce the scores awarded beginning with the referee and then
continuing in a clockwise manner. When these scores have been registered, the referee will
blow a further sharp blast on the whistle, whereupon the cards will be lowered. (The referee
may also blow a further blast on the whistle to allow the judges to turn their scorecards for
better viewing for the spectators, prior to lowering their scores.)
– When the scorekeeper summates the scores for each competitor in the round, the maximum
and minimum score is permanently excluded from the total for that round.
If a tie exists, then the low score from the remaining three scores is incorporated. If a tie continues, then the maximum score of the remaining three scores is incorporated. If the competitors score remains tied, the two competitors will be asked to perform again.
– For novice divisions, a tie breaker Kata may be one already performed. However, all other
divisions must perform a Kata which was not used in previous round. If a further tie exists after
the tiebreaking performance the Chief Referee will call for a vote in which each judge will vote by show of hands.
Part 4.4 – Isshinryu Empty Hand Kata
The competitors will be expected to perform only Isshinryu Kata.
Selections are made from the following katas:
– Seisan, Seiunchin, Naihanchi, Wansu, Sanchin, Chinto, Kusanku and Sunsu
Part 5.1 – Duration of Sparring Match
– Duration of the Sparring bout is defined as three minutes for all adult black belts and two minutes for all kyu and youth bouts.
-The timing of the bout starts when the Referee gives the signal to start and stops each time he
calls “YAME!” to halt the match.
– The timekeeper shall give one clear audible warning, indicating “30 seconds to go”.
– The timekeeper shall give one clear audible signal for the end of the bout.
Part 5.2 – Scoring Points During Sparring Match
– The result of a bout is determined by either competitor scoring three points
– A scoring technique counts as a Full Point when it is performed according to the following
criteria to a scoring area:
– Good form, correct attitude, vigorous application, perfect finish, proper timing, and correct
Technique with “good form” is said to have characteristics conferring probable effectiveness
within the framework of traditional Karate concepts.
great concentration obvious during delivery of the scoring technique.
for it to succeed.
continued commitment, which endures after the technique has landed, and the ability to
continue with proper form, other continuing techniques. The competitor with Zanshin
maintains total concentration and awareness of the opponent’s potentiality to counter
have the greatest potential effect. Thus if the technique is delivered on an opponent who is
rapidly moving away the potential effect of that blow is reduced.
– A Full Point may also be awarded for techniques deficient in one of the above criteria but
which conform to the following schedule:
– Jodan Kicks or other technically difficult techniques.
– Deflecting an attack and scoring to the unguarded target of the opponent.
– Leg check followed by a scoring technique.
– Delivering a combination technique, the individual components of which each score in their
own right.
– Successfully scoring at the precise moment the opponent attacks.
– Effective technique delivered at the same time that the end of the bout is signaled, is
considered valid.
– An attack, even if effective, delivered after an order to suspend or stop the bout shall not be
scored and may result in a penalty being imposed on the offender.
– Technique, even if technically correct, will not be scored if it is delivered when the two
competitors are outside the competition area. However, if one of the opponents delivers an
effective technique while still inside the competition area and before the Referee calls “YAME”,
the technique will be scored.
– Technique can be scored if delivered after a penalty that will be issued to the opponent.
Part 5.3 – Target Areas For Scoring Points
– Attacks are limited to the following areas: Entire Head, Face, Abdomen, Chest, Back, (excluding top of shoulders and spine), and Sides.
Part 5.4 – No Score Superiority
In individual category where there is no score superiority, then the following procedure will be
most points ahead of the opponent shall be given the victory.
Part 5.5 – Prohibited Behavior
– Techniques that make contact with the neck or throat.
– Techniques that make excessive contact, having regard to the scoring area attacked.
– Any technique, which impacts the head or face and results in visible injury, unless caused by the recipient.
– Any technique, which is more than a controlled “skin touch” contact to the head or face , unless caused by the recipient, even though there is no visible injury.
– A touch to the Head Gear may warrant a score provided the criteria for that point has been
achieved and no prohibited behavior has occurred.
– Attacks to the groin, joints, or instep
– Attacks to the face with open hand techniques. (Finger Thrust)
– Sweeping of front leg, both legs at once or the base leg while one foot is off the ground.
– Techniques, which by their nature cannot be controlled for the safety of the opponent.
– Repeated exits from the competition area (JOGAI).
Jogai is a situation where a competitor’s body, or any other part touches the floor outside of the line. An exception is when the competitor is actually pushed or thrown from the area by the opponent.
– Wrestling, pushing, seizing, grasping or holding an opponents arm, leg or body without an immediate follow up technique.
– Any discourteous behavior by the competitor or from a member of his school can earn the
disqualification of the offender.
-MUBOBI – Relates to a situation where one, or both competitors display a lack of regard for
his, or their own safety. Also, feigning of injury in order to gain advantage.
Part 5.6 Penalties
-Any prohibited technique or behavior, with the exception of Jogai, will be considered a safety offense and penalized at the discretion of the Chief Referee according to the official rules.
-The first infraction will result in a warning to the offending competitor.
-The second infraction will result in a full point awarded to the offended competitor.
-The third infraction will result in the disqualification of the habitual offender.
-Jogai calls will be categorized separately and follow the same 3 part rule.
– Any blatent disregard for safety, malicious or disrespectful behavior may be considered for immediate disqualification by the Chief Referee.